Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Back in the Old days.....????

Had a wonderful visit from some friends from Ireland, terriffic couple. They've been on the road for 11 years!...11 Years...from gig to gig, home to home, city to city, all around the world...Gypsy Troubadors, to be sure. What this got to do with computers and technology?

Well, back in the old days....we would have a notebook, and sheafs of papers, contracts, addresses, dates, plans, maps, you name it, and it would be in that pile of papers...and heaven help you if you lost it...Now? Now, there are laptops, pda;'s, portable hard drives, GPS makes being on the road a lot less stressful...notice, I did not say easier...because being on the road is not easy, it is a hard life, but when you let the latest is new technology help you, then it makes life so much simpler. Voice mail, blogging, myspace, facebook, sending promo posters by electonic file, save, transfer to thumbdrive, take to kinko' and print....

Seeing as they are form Ireland, they have some of thier favorite old Irish TV miniseries...'Father Pat' on hand, plug into the computer and sit and watch...or plug into the tv for a better sized screen and sound. Life is amazing sometimes.....

Now, if you don't know how a song gowes, you can head on over to something like Mudcatcafe and search thousands of folk and traditional tunes, find the history, listen to a midi file of it, cut and past the lyris, change the key, make the print larger or smaller so you can see it well on the stage in dim light...print at will, or save to your program, and use your laptop as an open book...

Makes me want to pack up and get back on the road that I gave up on 15 years ago.....NOT!!! I love my work, I love new technology...but I especially love the benefits and the variety of people I get to work with everyday.... No more ...'On the Road Again'...for me...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

HOW Connected Can You Be?

I am...ahem...a bit older than a few of you folks out there riding the aether....How old? Well, let's put it this way...the first time I had ever met Richie Haven's, sitting in his hotel room, we pulled out out=r Sinclair computers, tape decks and cables to attach to the tv screen, and typed in our basic code onto the cassette, ran it so we our data to the cassette tape! OOOHHHHH! High tech...weren't we???

I'm no expert, to be sure, in fact I can get lost in it all, but I do have to say...I LOVE gadgets and any way they can make my life, personal or fine with me.

So, here we are almost 30 years later, and I am typing this on my battery powered wireless folding keyboard onto my pda that I can beam to another pda, which is wireless, reading the lastest wiki's and blogs, searching the net, reading and responding to emails, as they occur, and still able to hook it all to my phone watch movies, listen to any number of 120,000 songs and still search the web...all on a small handful of gadgets, taking up less space than a happy meal box!

Yes, times have changed. But, times are the same...somehow...It gives me great pleasure to open my 1911 Britannica and smell the knowledge as it wafts from the pages, taking me into the marbled halls of the Alexandrian Library, to read an article on the 'new' science of physics written by a young Albert Einstein...knowledge is timeless, and while technology opens the portals to worlds beyond our is the ABILITY to retrieve and share that knowledge that makes me love my work. You see, it's not a job....A job is something you HAVE to do, your work is what you WANT to do...and I am fortunate to have my work be something I love to do.

So, don't get too bogged down on technology, its a great tool, but don't forget...paper is where it is at...sometimes!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

lessons learned and places revisited

I am certainly no luddite when it comes to these things, but it is enjoyable finding that my local library is finally getting a foothold on the technologies that will make ourt lives so much simpler. I especially enjoy reading about the "new' tools out there, the myspace, the facebook, the librarything, and knowing that I have been an activ and participating member for quite some time.

Like I said, I'm not techno-geek, but I am all for using technology and it's associuated tools to make our jobs that much easier to relate to and provide service to our patrons!

Bring on the next lessons!!! I value the day when we shall be able to provide our reference services from our home, on those days that traffic, weather or illness prevents us from being at our 100% best...

As it is, having a web enabled pda with a shortened dewey listing is a valuable tool, an even better choice would be to have wifi accessible catalogs on our pdas?...but that is in the future...perhaps not too far away!

Monday, November 5, 2007

new day, new technology

It's been a long time since I unwrapped my little Sinclair microcomputer. Hooked up the keyboard and the CRT, plugged in the cassette player and started typing in my first lines of code, so that I could enter in my information. It was an amazing day for me.

My only problem is that I am technologically hindered when it comes to FIXING things, be it mechanical or electronic. When everything works, it's wonderful, and when one little byte goes awry, then all this is good for is a very expensive paperweight.

But the advances in computers have been phenomenal. From the Sinclair, the TRS-80 (so lovingly referred to as a Trash-80) to the Austin 286/12x...Imagine that...286 kB and a blindingly fast 12MhX processor speed. It boggles the mind!

But I try to keep on the advancing line of technology. Not because I want to be cool, or know the latest buzzwords at the afterwork parties, but because I love technological innovation and learning how to utilize them into my professional and personal life!

Now I have a wireless PDA, web ready at a heartbeat, check my mail on-the-fly. Looking for wireless hotspots, posting on facebook and myspace. The list goes ever on!

In fact, out library has started using IM (Instant Messenger) Reference services for our patrons. Yes sir, times have certainly changed!!