Monday, February 25, 2008

week 17 tagging

I used to envy the cataloguers...tucked away, indexs at hand, always tagging things for me, but somehow thier tags didn't help me find the things I liked to look for. But with the advent of the net and some nice tools, I can tag to my hearts content and be able to find exactly what it is I am looking for ...because I can decide...for myself what is worthy of tagging and in my own words. Gotta love technology!!

week 30 the end of the line!!

it is ended...30 weeks of self discovery and new technology. wikis, myspaces, blogging, vlogs, im'imng, the anacronyms go on forever. Truth be told, I had discovered a great many of these on my own, but it was nice to see them all presented in an orderly format, and if one is truthful, one can always learn new techniques on using them.

So, thanks for all the info, and the links and something old and something new....and now...keep it coming...this is a great way to learn./..hadns on! is the way to go!!

week 29 blogging and 2.0

almost to the end, it is in sight and I have learned a great deal from this course, and the really exciting thing is that I know that there is so much more out there to learn!

But given the tools and the learning, I think that I will be able to proceed on a self-motivated trip down the electronic highway!!

Thanks 2.0!!

week 25 podcasting summery

An interesting phenomenon...podcasting. For little or no money, anyone can put out over the internet thier own views, thier own likes and dislikes! And there are some very good podcasts out there, and then there are some real bag-o-worm's.

But overall I think that podcasting is an interesting and informative way to get out your message to more than your closest friends.

week 27 Library Thing

We've discussed this already, but a revisit after the fact is a good thing. I love LT because it continues to flow and evolve. Now you can sign up for free prepub copies of new books , and all they ask is that you right a revie. What more could you want out of life?

And they continue to imprtove search capabilites to make it easier to seek and find. I only have about 3500 copies catologued, not too bad, but I used to have 12, there is lioght at the end of the tunnell!!

week 24 podcasting tools

There are a host of free tools out there for the beginning podcaster. It doesn't take much to get started and a good number of these apps are free. One of my favorites is called Audacity, a wonderful application that will record through your microphone, and you can tweak it to sound better, to highlight a particular point, and it is done in color so everyone can visually see what is being done. Also the ability to save the file as something that can be rebroadcast, or sent and saved...who needs public access on cable anymore???

week 23 Youtube

When I was moving from one place to the other and my cable was not yet installed, I began to wonder....what else is out there, besides my collection of dvd and vhs tapes?...Well, there's always Youtube, and wonderful collection of films, skits, movies and some downright that is the price you pay for free access to the net and the web!

There is a much gigher percentage of real drek out there, it seems thay anyone with a camer thinks him or herself as the next steven spielberg!

But historucal documentries from the 40/50/60'S, comedy routines, favorite actors and actresses, there is plenty of stuff out there for you to view, all for the clicking of a mouse.

And if you feel brave enough...upload one of your favorites...

Week 16 Myspace

What a grand and wonderful tool is Myspace! I have met some very interesting and somewhat unusual folks through my myspace page. Through the process of blogging, and journaling, and messaging back and forth I have managed to make and keep some pretty interedting online friends. Like the philsophical black jack dealer from reno? Or the mother of 13 kids in the woods of upstate ny, and the list goes ever on. I get to listen to new and up and coming if you haven't dabbled with yourself a favor and discover the winders to be found within!!

Week 13 Wikis

Wikis have been an interesting phenomenon, but one should apprache th einformation couched within with due caution. Nowadays, ANYONE can publish something on the line, whether or not you have an editor or a publisher, whether or not you have checked your facts. So 'buyer beware'...when it comes from a place like Wiki-pedia.

Week 15 Social Networking

Although a somewhat new phenom, social networking is an interesting concept, if done with care and concern of the others .. "Back in the old days" went to the feed store, the post office, the mill, any number of people friendly places, but now in our midst we have at hand a wonderful resopurce, that breaks down walls and barriers.

I know that my circle of friends has expanded considerably, which in turn leads to more wonderous places to see and thingas to do!~!

Week 6 Blogging

Blogging??...a new word in the last few years...web-blog...but what a curious way to put things down on paper...err.....screen. I was an inveterate journaler for many years, and still do prefer pen to paer, but my thoughts come more rapid fire if I can put my thoughts down on screen.

Blogging is all around me now, even my kids blog...and more so I blog with them daily. Another way of the evolving methods of conversation...notice...not a replacement for but an evolving of....human speak is still the best, but we tend to open moreso when doing so anonymously.

Long live the blog!!!

week2 Lifelong Learning

I often wonder about those of us in the information field who hjave no desire to further thier knowledge of the world in and around them? It's like working in the library, and saying..."Oh...I don't care to read!"...what a sad statement to make.

Stasis is anathema to me, I crave change, the challenge to rtey new things, stir the pot a bit. Thats how you make a good stir and yourt stir, you tweak the flavor here and there until your finished product is a veritable feast for the mind.

I look forward to the day that I can retire and go back to school!

Week 1 Discovery

What a change time has made for me. I was never able to pursue an academic career due to constraints on family, time and profession, so I have always pursued self advancement of knowledge on an 'on my own' basis...and every day, every month, every year things get more and more exciting. The advancements in research, in library availiability around the world, access 24/7 to museums, libraries and tools have made amazing strides.

I guess thats why I love what the net has evolved into. Gone are the days of "the well" at Berkely,no graphics, just connections to other individuals. You gott love this new technology!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

thing 28 Rollyo

Rollyo Polly o...just not something I ever got into. I tend to make my own lists of websites, to be sure, and this l;ittle applet seems to make it easier, but I have found that in the long run, not one of my favoriter places or sites to use.

I think that there is too much leewqay in its use, not enough least for me. Just my opinion. Perhaps I need to play around with it a bit more...

thing 26 Image Generators

I knew that I was never going to be a famous explorer or a welathy businessman, but with a flick of the wrist, a slip of the mouse button I find myself on the cover of the national geographic, or sitting in a suit as one of the wealthier men in americas! What a boost to the ego! I have seen these filed professionally printed and sent to a printer to have it mounted. Not a bad prank, a fun joke to share...and an ego boost for the one on the cover!!

thing 22 flickr mashups and trading cards

At first this seemed like a fun and interesting little item to play with. But here it is a few weeks later and we are trtying to come up with ideas on how to enage the children into our activities...and lo and behold...a thought? ! How about making a series of trading cards, based on the various characters in the new program!

Easirer said than done, and with the knowledge gained in past work units, we now have a solid lead on the summer reading program, some innovative idea, customized to fit our needs.

Look for the trading cards coming to a library near long as you are close by...and participating!!

week 21 tagging essentials

As one who works with information, I completely understand how tagging and decriptors help others find essential information. It is one of the primary reasons why I like the new technology that allows us as individuals to format, to shape, to make our lives easier with tagging...anything and everything in our lives. But one is to remember, that if you wish to share the said information...they perhaps there some try to be some adhereace top industry standards.

week 20 flickr friend flickr...ummm...wait...I don't think flickr is my's user friendly...its useful...but I see no reason to implement all the details of my life with pictures so the entire world will have all kinds of information ...visual... at least...available to them.

Nice application, but not really useful to me...think I'll pass.

week 19 free tools , technoroti

There sure are a lot of free things out there, aren't there, but are they all worth it. Some have may had awards added to thier title, but are they worth it at a 'free' price'?. have to get what you pay for!

Some of the tools that had awards tagged to them seemed useful, and others seemed completely worthless for me in my work...but thats quite would be impossible to keep up with every new innovation...just as it would be physically impossible to stop and look at every piece on display in the impossible task.

thing 14 adding to the wiki

wiki wiki...who's got the wiki? and who has the authority to change it? In one sense I like the ability change something, a collaborative effort, and yet somehow it seems all too easy to shift things, perhaps to shed a more gfavorable light onto a subject? Possible ramifications for abuse might be too eays to pass up, but then can always be noticed and corrected then, can't it?

week 11 Images

Images...those elusive bits of film and chemical that fade with time, that get lost in the sotrms and the fires, that we never get around to mounting, to sending out to friends and relatives. Nut now, with electronic format, not only do you have instant satisfaction, you have instant dissemination to anyone that you care to.

But what if it was a lousy picture? Well, with the new photo editing software out there, its simple to take out the red eye, change the intesity of the sun, take out the shadow...with the right kind of software you can recolor that hideous seersucker jacket uncle earl was wearing...or after aunt bertha has been released from rehab and ran off with the chihuaha can take her out of the picture completely!

You gotta love this new technology!!

week 10 youtube

I was never much of one to watch tv...but when I did watch, the funniest video shows always made me laugh. I've never owned a video camera, and when I would miss an episode, well, that was it. Unless I reprecorded the show. But with such tools as youytube and yahoo video and myspave video...there is absolutely nothing you can't watch, find or replay at your leisure! Pranks, instructions on how to cook chicken marsala, how to carve a heron, watch documentary's long lost to film truly is an amazing tool.

week 9 Photos and images

I can only think back and laugh about how easy it is today to manipulate images with the computer. Back in the day, one of my jobs was to provide ummm...alternative forms of ID to individuals...within the armed forces...and it was a laborious process. And you might fool the border guars, or the security forces., with a flick of a button, a transfer of a file, you can have a drivers liscense from any state in the country...( I know,'re not supposed to do that...but it out there!). But aside for the wrogful way to handle things...the right way is so much fun. Why should the beatles be the only one to have a psychadelic poster made of themselves? Why should donald trump be the only guy on Fortune Magazine?

I love the computer and if you're lucky enough to have photoshop...the world is in the palm of your hand!

week 8 tagging everyone can be thier own cataloguer! I'm, not certain that the professionals are thrilled about that, burt it sure does simplify life for a lot of folks. Perhaps my descriptiors are not the same as my neighbors, but isn't the idea of technology to make life easier for the individual?....

Just a thought....

I find myself adding my own tags to my music fils for my mp3 player, my own tags for my books, tags for information....I do this to simplify MY life. Standards are fine...for an industry wide application...but when it comes to personal information...let the free market reign!!

week 7 myspace

I do remember the wind up telephone in our old farm long...2 short...that was our signal...but then everyone else could listen in also...if they were of a mind to. Then there was the telephone...beautiful, heavy black bakelite...nothing lite about it, that sucker was heavy! Now, whenever I wish to 'talk' to one of my kids...I just log on to my myspace account...or my facebook account...and leave a message.. or facebook...and if they are online, then they will respond back pretty quickly. The funny thing is...even though I have a cell phone, the message that I leave on a cell, seems to take a considerable amount of time to be transmitted, and sent. I sometimes get much faster service with myspace or facebook. A great way to stay in touch with friends...and to make new friends!

Week 5 - Instant Messaging

WIKI's??? I used to think a wiki was some kind of totem you picked up in java or the atolls in the south pacific...but wikis are a great way to disseminate information...hopefully in a good fashion. Sure, there is bound to be some abuse of the format, but as in all good research, check your sources!! A lot of good can be had with something like a wiki...there are no more sharper eyes out there than a dedicated fan when it comes to verifying information! Just post something about how the 125 windows on the death star were glazed over with a certain color film...and I can guarantee you...someone will write in and dispute your answer, because he was one of the workers. A grand thing it is!!

Week 5 - Instant Messaging

IM...who would have ever thought that the library would have IM? Back when we got our first computers, all the buzz was how to keep certain individuals (public) from spending all day on the computer messenging back and forth...tieing up the computers ...but here we are, a few years down the road and we're answering questions via IM...Life sure is funny isn't it??

RSS & Newsreaders week #4

Back in the day...when newsmen read the news, timed, and you had to listen for something that was of interest to you, it was such a long time ago! now with RSS feeds, the news is channelled to you...just like you were one of those important business magnates...with a ticker tape...built in to your very own computer. Now you can keep up with the exact details on any subject's a pretty amazing thing when you think of it!

There are those who could care less about this level of technology, but with the way that this is going,....the uninformed will be left to the side of the electronic road. Life will not stop for them, to be sure, but they wiill not be anywhere near the crowd when interesting developments occur. But then again, perhaps they didn't ever want to be there in the first place? Not everyone is curious enough to pursue some things. Not a bad thing in itself...

Here be bloggers #3

The only difficult thing was trying to keep up with the time to put something down....blogging is second nature to me, as I tended to the old fashioned pen and ink method, and still do...but in terms of ease, nothing beats blogging!!

The End of the Line? #30.....

Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?And last but not least…
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?

This has been overall an interesting and informative way to be introduced into the new ways and means of communication within the enjoyable exerise. I would love to keep learning this way...self directed learning is a great way to keep up with things of this nature. I constantly do it with many small applets on my webpage. Whenever an new article comes in on the RSS feed, it's almost like chirstmas everytime I head over to thier wbsite and see what new applet, what new gizmo has come out. Not everything is useful or can be used within our framework...but just having knowledge of forthcoming trends is a satisfying lreast to me.