Monday, February 4, 2008

RSS & Newsreaders week #4

Back in the day...when newsmen read the news, timed, and you had to listen for something that was of interest to you, it was such a long time ago! now with RSS feeds, the news is channelled to you...just like you were one of those important business magnates...with a ticker tape...built in to your very own computer. Now you can keep up with the exact details on any subject's a pretty amazing thing when you think of it!

There are those who could care less about this level of technology, but with the way that this is going,....the uninformed will be left to the side of the electronic road. Life will not stop for them, to be sure, but they wiill not be anywhere near the crowd when interesting developments occur. But then again, perhaps they didn't ever want to be there in the first place? Not everyone is curious enough to pursue some things. Not a bad thing in itself...

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