Monday, February 4, 2008

week 7 myspace

I do remember the wind up telephone in our old farm long...2 short...that was our signal...but then everyone else could listen in also...if they were of a mind to. Then there was the telephone...beautiful, heavy black bakelite...nothing lite about it, that sucker was heavy! Now, whenever I wish to 'talk' to one of my kids...I just log on to my myspace account...or my facebook account...and leave a message.. or facebook...and if they are online, then they will respond back pretty quickly. The funny thing is...even though I have a cell phone, the message that I leave on a cell, seems to take a considerable amount of time to be transmitted, and sent. I sometimes get much faster service with myspace or facebook. A great way to stay in touch with friends...and to make new friends!

1 comment:

Lady Bookwyrm said...

Wow, it takes that long to get cell phone messages? I can agree with the faster responses through MySpace or Facebook (I'm guilty of checking these accounts more regularly than I do my cell phone).